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Another world is possible… but only if we do something about it.

If you find yourself drawn towards making the world a better place, but struggling to find your way, you're in the right place.

This resource hub is a great starting point to get a sense of my style, my approach, and what I can help you with.

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4 Modules

The Draw to Wholeness

Some of my foundational beliefs:

  1. Maslow never suggested that we should stop once our basic physical and social needs were met
  2. Clear experiences of desire can help you develop very good powers of "getting what you want."
  3. This is a path to wholeness
  4. More wholeness would make the world a better place

Should I?

Here's my best semi-rational decision making process wrapped up in a bow. With a printable PDF.

It's for those times when you need something more sophisticated than "flip a coin and see whether you are upset about the outcome."

Playful Purpose

How to access deep joy, get off the achievement treadmill, and reconnect with meaning.

I thought that pleasure would come from attaining my goals.

But I had never learned to let myself enjoy it, no matter how much I succeeded. 

Let us try out this inversion: meeting your goals happens when you prioritize enjoyment.

Modules for this product 4
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