Speaking of Desire

What if you could ask for what you want directly, with confidence, and without the anxiety that comes with the fear of rejection?

If you're like so many of us, even the idea of desire stirs up ambivalence.

We know that we should be grateful for what we have, and the desire to reach for more can be a challenge.

“My life is pretty good. I’ve got all this stuff to be grateful for… Am I allowed to want things, too?”

I'm here to give you a permission slip, because a lot of the things we want are actually good for us.

Desire is what keeps us going

It's a major part of how our bodies regulate themselves. It makes sure that we feed and water ourselves, and take naps. It draws us into the social connections that we need to thrive. It drives the searches for meaning, knowledge, and growth.

And also, it can lead us astray. We can get caught in habits and chase things for the wrong reasons. A lot of the things we want are fundamentally about the ego and proving things about ourselves.

It's hard to tell those things apart. And so we get blanket warnings not to trust ourselves, to avoid desire, and to be satisfied with what we have.

What if it didn't have to be that hard? What if you could tell the difference, deep in your body, between a desire and an addiction? If you could trust your intuition, what might become possible?

With the tools available in Speaking of Desire, there’s no need to hedge your bets or water down your goals. With a few simple practices, you can identify precisely what you want and develop the courage to ask for it.

6 Modules


Desire: is it a path to deep fulfillment or an excuse to run amok?!?

In the introductory lesson, I give you a background on these two ideas, and how to have a more subtle relationship with desire... it's not either/or, it's telling them apart.

(Also, running amok according to whom?)

Maslow, Manifestation, and the Draw to Wholeness

Some of my foundational beliefs:

  1. Maslow never suggested that we should stop once our basic physical and social needs were met
  2. Clear experiences of desire can help you develop very good powers of "getting what you want."
  3. This is a path to wholeness
  4. More wholeness would make the world a better place

Textures of Desire

An exploration of your existing relationship with desire. Establishing the experience of clear desire, and experimenting with ways in which we muddy the waters.

Untangling Desire

Desires are like onions.

No, seriously. What you want is usually a surface layer on top of an underlying need. In this set of meditations, we'll explore what the hidden needs are, and work with a technique to make that need less urgent.

This is, of course, in preparation for asking.

The Courage to Ask

OK... Now we're going to practice asking and hearing an answer... 

Take deep breaths! (And also, use the earlier techniques.)

Other People's Expectations (Bonus)

One of the most challenging things we can encounter is when we want something that we know "our culture" doesn't want us to want.

The other thing that happens over and over again is that we don't want things that we think people want us to want.

Finding and navigating the experience where your desires come into conflict with your perceptions of other people’s expectations.

Modules for this product 6
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