My goal in this program is to make your holiday season more pleasurable, not more stressful.
This time of year, we tend to have more trouble than normal finding space for ourselves. The kids and partners are home (all the time! If they had been leaving the house at all this year.) We may be travelling, we may be outside of our normal living space or sharing it more than in our usual lives.
In this year of extreme cocooning, when we've already been on top of one another for months, this can be even more challenging.
This module includes a downloadable wee guidebook designed to help you look around your life and find some space for a daily writing practice. This includes looking at your home (or wherever you are finding yourself) and your calendar... plus some initial prompts on how it feels to be carving out this time and space for yourself at such a busy time of year.
I know that your schedule may be packed; let's put this onto it so that you show up for yourself and get the benefit from this program.
(I also added a few colouring pages so you can distract your kids if you need to. They're mostly winter themed, but there are some unicorns and animals too. And you can totally colour them yourself if you get inspired!)
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